Featuring O‘ahu • Kaua‘i • Maui & Hawai‘i Island
Kilo Mahina Cards an ideal ‘Imi Na‘auao learning tool for learning the practice of kilo Mahina. There are many variations in traditional kilo Mahina, however, the one common denominator is the practice of KILO itself. Traditional concepts of time rely on being able to kilo/see Mahina movements. The cards are designed to show the kaulana/position and size of Mahina as she moves through her malama cycle.
The front of each card features a ki‘i Mahina (photograph) of each inoa. From her first strand of light as Hilo, to her disappearance in the light of ka Lā as Muku, each ki‘i was graciously received to inspire us to learn and mālama.
Mana‘o includes- general qualities of each Mahina, kilo times, action words connected with each inoa (name), basic kaona/metaphoric descriptions within the sounds.
There are two sizes- regular and Kumu (extra-large). There are different versions that feature the islands of O‘ahu, Kaua‘i, Maui, and Hawai‘i Island.
The front of each card features a ki‘i Mahina (photograph) of each inoa. From her first strand of light as Hilo, to her disappearance in the light of ka Lā as Muku, each ki‘i was graciously received to inspire us to learn and mālama.
Mana‘o includes- general qualities of each Mahina, kilo times, action words connected with each inoa (name), basic kaona/metaphoric descriptions within the sounds.
There are two sizes- regular and Kumu (extra-large). There are different versions that feature the islands of O‘ahu, Kaua‘i, Maui, and Hawai‘i Island.